Universitätsmuseen: Konferenz "Open Round Table of Museology"

in Kooperation mit der Masaryk Universität Brno (Tschechische Republik) - Mobilitätsprojekt im Rahmen der Projektschiene "AKTION"

17.10.2023 - 19.10.2023
09:00 - 16:00
[0001010111] Sitzungszimmer 01.18, Universitätsplatz 3, 1.Obergeschoß

The conference entitled "Open Round Table of Musology" takes place from 17th till 19th October as cooperation between the University Museums of the University of Graz and the Masaryk University Brno (Czech Republic).

The conference addresses these topics: museum presentation, the history of museum and monument presentation and modern trends of museum presentations and exhibition-display.


17th October 2023

Venue: SZ 01.18 (main building, 1st floor)

09:00 - 12:00
- Welcome and Introduction
- Pavol Tisliar: Preparation and realization of compact travelling exhibitions
- Lucie Jagosová: Museum presentation and museum pedagogy in the field of small museums

13:30 - 17:30
- Bernadette Biedermann: Museum presentation and new trends in exhibition-displays from the perspective of museology
- Stefan Köchel: Museum presentation and museum interpretation. Philosophical reflections on a categorical relationship

18th October 2023
Educational Excursions

10:00 - 13:30
meeting point: 10:00 in front of main building

University Museums of University of Graz: Hans Gross Kriminalmuseum (Heinrichstraße 18/1)
University Museums of University of Graz: UniGraz@Museum (main building, basement)

15:00 - 17:00
meeting point:
14:10: in front of main building
14:55 -
Schloss Eggenberg (Eggenberger Allee 90, 8020 Graz)
Schloss Eggenberg - Google Maps
guided tour with Paul Schuster

19th October 2023
Open Round Table

09:00 - 13:00
Venue: SZ 01.18 (main building, 1st floor)

Streaming-Link: https://unitube.uni-graz.at/portal/streaming.html?id=event23

Student Presentations

Mgr. Miriam Molnárová:
Exedrae as a Tool for Presentation
Chiara Adelsberger:
A proposal for an online exhibition of the painting Jesus as a good shepherd
Mgr. Lucie Valášková:
Great Moravian Jewellery and their Presentation
Veronika Kahraman:
The communication of caricature in the museum space using Erich Sokol as an example
Natália Románová:
Ships as Museums
Lena Probst:
Art education and its theoretical models for the field of (contemporary) art
Michal Denk, Matěj Svěrák, Heda Charvátová:
Taxidermy and Dermoplastic Exhibits in the context of Museum Presentation
Anna Rechenmacher:
Preserving the Unpreservable? - The Challenges of Ephemeral Art in Museums
Ilyas Baimukhametov:
The Transcultural Presentation: A Museum Presentation of Foreign Cultures
Philipp Messner:
Presentation of biographies in museums using special examples
Elizaveta Mukhortova:
The Application of Digital Technologies: Virtual and Augmented Reality in Museums

14:30 - 16:00
Venue: GEWI-Sitzungszimmer, main building ground floor

Final discussion, closing remarks


Joint Evening:
19:00 Propeller

Propeller - Google Maps