Workshops at the UniGraz@Museum
6 Experiments in 60 Minutes
In just 60 minutes, young researchers can work through the interactive stations of the permanent exhibition “From Field Observation to Nanophysics”. From the principle of angular momentum and wave phenomena to a test of strength with Magdeburg hemispheres, this workshop is one of the most popular offerings across the University Museums.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: 2.00 euros per person
Why Do Paper Airplanes Fly?
In this workshop, participants learn the fundamentals of aerodynamic lift. Together with a qualified workshop instructor, they fold paper airplanes and at the end of the workshop an air race will decide whose airplane can fly the farthest.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: 2.00 euros per person

"Reaching For The Stars"
This workshop was developed in cooperation with the sections of Geophysics, Astrophysics and Meteorology at the Department of Physics of the University of Graz. The first half of the workshop introduces participants to our solar system through a tour of the permanent exhibition at the UniGraz@Museum. In the second half of the workshop, they climb the astronomical tower of the Department of Physics to observe sunspots.
Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: 4.00 euros per person
Exploring the Universe
Which stars are closest to our Sun? How many stars and galaxies are there in the universe? Is there extraterrestrial life? In this workshop, participants embark on a journey through the universe to find answers to all these questions.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: 2.00 euros per person

Treasure Hunters
This accompanying workshop for the special exhibition “The Schöckl ‒ Sacred Mountain of the Romans” allows young archaeologists to hunt for semi-precious stones much like the great explorers before them. After a short introduction, participants go to work with a hammer and chisel and can even preserve their favourite treasure in hardened sand for posterity.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: €5.00 per person
Climate change workshop
What are the effects of climate change? What can we do to slow down global warming? To find answers to these and other questions, participants get to explore the topic of climate change together in our new Climate Change workshop.
Duration: 90 minutes
Cost: 2.00 euros per person

Bee workshop
How is a bee colony structured? Why do bees dance? Why are bees so important for us humans? What are bee robots? In this workshop, participants embark on a journey into the world of bees and find answers to these and many other bee-autiful questions.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost per person 2.00 euros
Intelligence workshop
What is intelligence and what types of intelligence are there? How meaningful is an intelligence test? Is lying a sign of intelligence? Where is artificial intelligence used? These are just some of the many topics related to intelligence that participants get to explore in this workshop.
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost per person 2.00 euros

Workshops at the Hans Gross Museum of Criminology
Special guided tours for children and young adults
Duration: 60 minutes
Cost: 2.00 euros per person